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Showing posts from July, 2020

[Machedi] || Baudikali 1 Machedi, Nawalpur Nepal || Machedi Nawalpur

Machedi Small and Beautiful Village Baudikali Rural Municipality  (Nepali :बौदीकाली गाउँपालिका) is a  Gaunpalika  in  Nawalpur District  in  Gandaki Province  of Nepal. On 12 March 2017, the government of Nepal implemented a new local administrative structure, with the implementation of the new local administrative structure, VDSs have been replaced with municipal and Village Councils. Baudikali is one of these 744 local units. There are 6(six) word in Baudikali. Among them Mithukaram is one. Machedi belongs to a village in sabik mithukaram gabisha word no. 1 .  It's very beautiful like a piece of heaven came down to earth. Hilly region of Nawalpur district , surrounded by green and beautiful hills and situated in the bank of kali gandaki (Krishna gandaki name came from sanskrit word) river .Machedi, really its a glory.  Most of the houses are made from stone, wood,mud and tin , Some are cemented. Agriculture is the main occupation of people living  in this village .Though some

State Space Analysis || State Variables || State Vector || State

State Space Analysis The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of variable (Called state variable) such that the knowledge of such variable at t=t 0  t ogether with the knowledge of input for t> =t 0     completely determines the behaviour of the system for any time t=t 0     .   State variables A state variable is one of the sets of variables that are used to describe the mathematical "state" of a dynamical system. Intuitively, the state of a system describes enough about the system to determine its future behavior in the absence of any external forces affecting the system. Models that consist of coupled first-order differential equations are said to be in state-variable . State Vector Two approaches are available for the analysis and design of f eedback control systems. The first is known as the classical, or frequency-domain, technique. This approach is based on converting a system’s differential equation to a transfer function, thus ge

Root Locus And Advantages of using Root Locus

Root Locus The root locus of a feedback (closed loop Control System)  system is the graphical representation in the complex s-plane of the possible locations of its closed-loop poles for varying values of a certain system parameter. Advantages of Root Locus Root locus starts from open loop pole (K=0) to open loop zero (K=INFINITY). The main and the foremost advantage of root locus is to check the system behaviour by adjusting the value of gain K . The adjustment in the value of K will trace the roots accordingly on the R-H plane and will give the conditions for the system to be overdamped , underdamped, crictically damped, overdamped or undamped according the the respective value of k. If:- 1.ROOTS ARE SAME AND REAL - CRITICALLY DAMPED SYSTEM 2.ROOTS ARE REAL AND DISTINCT- OVERDAMPED 3.ROOTS ARE PURELY IMAGINARY- MARGINAL STABLE SYSTEM 4.ROOTS ARE COMPLEX CONJUGATE PAIRS- UNDERDAMPED 5.Also it gives the limit of K for which it can be varied until the system becomes unst

Control System || Govern action in hydeopower

Govern action inhydropower is the Example of Closed Loop Control System(CLCS) The governer is to receipt the frequency signal from the output of genereator